Friday, October 14, 2016

sitting here in the Senior Center watching the storm heat up and helping two seniors, one trying to figure out how to start a blog and the other trying to get help for a disability from the military. Always something different!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


rode the light rail today for the first time, went downtown to participate in the rally since it is the 7th anniversary of the war. interesting riding up above everything -well part of the time anyway.
my observations:
people litter too much
Between Tukwila and Seattle there are lots of little green spots
Halal meat * Authenic African Food * Filipino Community Center * Buddhist Center * And more * much more
too much graffiti
too much pavement

Friday, March 5, 2010

yippee! just got what look like great seats to see Rain, the Beattles tributes. should be fun!

Monday, August 24, 2009

ponderings while berry picking

I was out picking blackberries this afternoon, no i-pod, no mp3 player, just me and my thoughts. Such as
  • why does the US have bases in so many foreign countries?
  • why do people feel entitled to throw their garbage in the streets, in the woods, anywhere they want?
  • why do women still feel afraid (unsafe) alone or in the night ?
  • why do people think pop tarts are a decent breakfast?
  • with so many poor people, hungry people, abused people - why can't we work to help them instead of killing other people?
  • why does someone that can throw a ball get paid millions more than a brain surgeon?
  • why do 'we' eat so much junk food?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Back to school!

Well, there isn't much work these days so I decided to make good use of my time and go back to school. I went to check it out, all those credits I got back in the 90's are still good - over the halfway mark to my aa degree. So the end of the month I'll start back. Looking forward to it!
as is clear to anyone paying attention ~ I am not much of a blogger! don't have time and ?? oh well. waiting for spring!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

fw computer tutor

My name is Catherine and I am a computer tutor. I am available in the greater Federal Way / Auburn area to help you with your computer woes. I help people with Microsoft Word, Works, pictures, e-mail, creating and setting up folders.